Wednesday, March 27, 2013

make my day

Updates on my two boys:

Two funny videos from yesterday & today! This boy always makes me laugh :) 

Cayden had a long day and fell asleep while eating...

...excuse my cracking up. 

I am also halfway through my 21st week! This pregnancy is flying by and I am definitely okay with that :) 

Friday, March 22, 2013

kick kick kick

Yesterday we went to our 20 week ultrasound and got to see our precious Bennett. He was very healthy! He had a healthy brain, healthy heart, and all other organs looked good! We are so thankful for another healthy, growing, baby boy. Speaking of growing...following in his daddy's and brother's footsteps...he is already a big boy. "Normal" weight for 20 week in utero is around 10 oz and he is already a little over a pound! Thank you Jardin del Rey and Jason's Deli for feeding this growing boy! ;) 

Just like Cayden, Bennett was not cooperative in his ultrasound. He was constantly moving and wouldn't hold still for the sonographer to get as good of pictures as she wanted to! Both boys definitely take after their dad when it comes to smiling and posing for the camera (in utero)...totally opposite from their mama! Thankfully Cayden grew to know and love the camera, as I have it out taking his picture or videos all the time. That's what happens when you live far from all of your family! Crossing my fingers for Bennett to love it when he comes out too! ;)

I love ultrasounds because while you don't get the best quality of seeing what your baby really looks like, you do get to see that precious little child that you are constantly talking to, and who is constantly kicking you! It is definitely a bonding moment for both me & he gets to see what I am always feeling and describing. Like all my other ultrasounds I've gotten, yesterday's ultrasound made me fall in love with Bennett even more. As he continues to grow and to kick and move more, I am more aware he is in there, making my love grow more and more. 

We are praising Jesus for a beautiful (biased) & healthy baby boy! Thank you for continuing to pray for our family. We are blessed to have family & friends like ya'll!!

Bennett Elijah Hobbs :) 

His precious little toes!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

the winner is...

Almost 4 weeks ago, we found out BinBag is a bouncing baby boy!!

 I was really unbiased towards either gender (I know, I know, all moms say this). There would be pluses to both. If BinBag were a girl, she'd be the first in BOTH families and would probably be incredibly spoiled (but it's not like all the boys aren't anyways ;)), and she'd have 4 cousins & a big brother that would keep her incredibly safe; if BinBag were a boy he would be only 20 short months apart from his fun would that be? Not to mention the bins and bins and bins of hand me downs from his three older cousins & Cayden. When the ultrasound tech said, "It's a boy!" we immediately fell in love with our newest bundle of boy!

Then comes the hardest part...the name! Of course, all we had picked out was a girl's name! I will keep this name to myself in case a girl ever comes around ;). We had a boys name we were iffy about, but really didn't end up loving it. For many weeks, we have been randomly saying names that we like, and every single time the other one of us vetos it. We literally went through two or three websites worth of names. Some names we were obviously joking and others we'd hesitate and then say, "no, that's not it." We both are pretty picky when it comes to names so I figured it was going to take us forever to pick one. I was convinced this child would be nameless for a good month after he was born ;). 

Well, it finally happened! We finally found a name for BinBag, a PERFECT name for our second precious baby. Coming (sometime around) August 4, 2013:

Bennett Elijah Hobbs

I am so happy to finally have a name. I know it sounds super cliche, but I feel so much more bonded to him now that I can refer to him as "Bennet" or "Ben"! I talk to him all of the time, and, in my opinion, having a name makes it so much more personal for me!

So, my precious Bennett, I love you so much! Your daddy, Cayden (just get ready for that boy), and I are so thrilled to have you join our family. This week your small flutters turned into feeling precious little feet kicking and your sweet tiny body moving back and forth, back and forth. And while I am starting to lose some sleep due to bathroom breaks and heartburn, I am cherishing and loving every moment! 

{19 weeks...getting rounder by the day (way sooner than with Cayden)
We have our big anatomy scan next week so I will make sure to post pictures of Bennett after that!}