Thursday, April 11, 2013


This is an old blog post from when I found out I was pregnant with Cayden, but I felt the need to re-post it. A lot of my friends are going through some "hater" moments and I wanted to re-share my thoughts :) 


“The Lord Almighty has sworn, ‘Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.’” Isaiah 14:24

This past year in my study of Isaiah at BSF the major theme of the study was that God has already planned everything that will ever happen, and along with that, His plans are not only in HIS timing but are absolutely perfect! With the many major life events happening within the second half of my study, marriage, death in the “family”, Ty getting a job, Ty graduating, moving to another city, & finding out I was pregnant, you better believe I clung to this promise of my God harder than ever. He has yet to prove that He isn’t able to not take care of me throughout His plans, so why should I doubt Him now?
Many people have said, “Wow, ya’ll are having a baby really fast.” For those of you who do not know Tyler and I, we knew we wanted to have babies right away. One of the things I knew I needed to do in my life was to be a mom. No matter how I went about it, adoption or pregnancy, I knew being a mom was something I would be good at and wanted to do. We both knew we wanted to wait until Tyler had a job in order to financially be able to provide for the baby, but we knew as soon as that happened we would be open to having a precious little baby whenever God decided to bless us with one. Well as all of you know the story goes, we were blessed with pregnancy three months after we were married. Apparently, there is some “timeline” that people have created in their heads: Date for 2 years, be engaged for 1 year, be married for 1 year and then try to have a baby…blah blah blah. Here’s the thing, Tyler and I have NEVER done anything according to the “normal” person’s timeline. Tyler and I dated for 2 years and then were engaged for a year and a half (worst thing ever by the way), so naturally the baby thing was not on the “normal” timeline either. Frankly, no one should go according to the average timeline because like the verse in Isaiah says, “I HAVE PLANNED AND SO IT WILL BE.” We can not, will not, and should not change God’s plans for us. Why would you want to? They are perfect for EACH INDIVIDUAL! In Isaiah, God refers to all of us on earth as grasshoppers, yet He has the authority and the power to have each grasshopper’s life planned out, so let His plan reign your life, not the “normal” timeline of plans.

As soon as Tyler was blessed with an amazing job as a software engineer, we knew, at this point I had the option of being a stay at home mom if we had a baby. I always said I wanted to stay at home with babies if I could! So, for those of you who have to have a timeline, this is when, in our timeline, we knew we could start trying to have a baby. We had heard stories from lots of friends that conceiving a baby could take a LONG time…we just so happened to be blessed with a baby the first month we tried. Which apparently has concerned a lot of people….

Bringing me to the title of my blog, “Haters.” I have had way too many people come up to me or even, my sisters, and my parents, and my friends and say, “Christina got pregnant awfully fast.” (Some people say even worse things than this). The first thing I want to shout is, “Why is it any of your business?” The second thing I want to shout is, “This is a BABY. A life. A precious little life given to Tyler and me. No matter what timing, does it matter?” But I have never defended myself and this is why I am writing this blog. To all of you haters out there who say we are having a baby too fast according to your timeline, or those who question if we can afford it, or those who tell me that we will regret this decision down the road. To you I give you the challenge of realizing that your words hurt. As much as I have tried to blow these hurtful words off my shoulder (Ty is WAY better at it than I am), they are always in the back of my head. So people’s words do hit the heart in exactly the right spot. I am trying to let these words go to God and rest assured that His plan is best for me and Tyler. But some people can’t let go of hurtful words and they develop into way bigger problems in someone’s life. So please, if you’re reading this blog, please please please be careful what you say. It is a lesson I need to learn as well, and maybe this is my way of learning it, if me having a baby “early” is truly a concern then feel free to ask me in a nice and not hurtful way, but if it truly is none of your business then why become involved?

Another theme that I learned throughout Isaiah was that while God allows hard and hurtful things to happen to His people, He is always there to comfort them. While I wish I could take all of these comments thrown at me and let none of them tear me down, I can’t. I wish I was that strong, but I’m not. I had to write this blog because I was keeping all of these hurtful words built up inside and I need to let people know how I truly feel. I am beyond blessed to have Cayden Lukas Hobbs and I know Tyler feels the same way when I say that he was definitely planned and will be the best blessing we have ever had.

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13


It is amazing to look back at this post and see where God has brought me the past two years. I am so blessed to be a mom to a huge joy in my life, Cayden Lukas, and now to be expecting another little blessing, Bennett Elijah. I am so appreciative of the people who have stood by Tyler and I as we continue to build our family and who always have encouraged us along the way! Thank you!!