...very first Mothers Day @ 8 weeks pregnant and very, very sick.
...second Mothers Day. Cayden @ 5 months old!
...third mothers day. Cayden @ 17 months & 28 weeks pregnant with Bennett :)
Okay, I'm off of my soap box ;)
This weekend was very fun! We were able to go to San Antonio to spend Mothers Day with my mom and (for the first time in MANY years), my Grandma, who is living with my parents in San Antonio! We got to spend some quality time together which is always a joy. Today it was fun being with three generations of moms in one room; one who has been a mom for 3 years, one a mom for 30, and another for 55 years! I love that years of unconditional love and encouragement have been passed down to moms generation to generation.
Last night we were woken up in the middle of the night to a fever burning, puffy eyed, sobbing baby boy :( Unfortunately, Cayden got some sort of bug and was fighting a 102 degree fever! As soon as the urgent care opened in the morning, Tyler and I took him and they said he was fine...could be teeth, could be a cold, could be the starting stages of a virus. After a nap and some tylenol, we still were able to go to lunch and then make the drive back to Austin. As soon as we got home, Cayden's fever spiked and he acted much more sick than he did this morning. We are now in the process of bathing, tylenoling (not a word?, I think I just made it one...), and trying to soothe our poor little sickling! Thankfully my husband rocks and has been trying to take most of the load today, but cuddling and caring for my baby is my dream job that I love doing: being a mom! At one point today, you could tell he didn't feel well at all, and he reached out to me, did the sign for "please", and reached out to me again. MELT.MY.HEART! I am so thankful for Cayden and Bennett and I am so blessed that God chose me to be their mom!
...he gives open-mouth kisses.
...giving me a Mothers Day tap ;)
...when he started to really not feel good :( But I sure do love my "little" family!