Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cayden's Room Re-do

Last week, I wrote about our nursery makeover here. I then proceeded to talk about Cayden's big boy room and realized I never blogged about that major re-do. So here go ;)

We decided we wanted Cayden in a big boy bed by May so that he would have a few months of adjusting to a new bed before Bennett arrived to "steal" his crib. He had been showing signs of being too big for his crib for awhile [trying to escape several times] so we began planning how to decorate his new room. We knew we wanted to move him into the guest room, as it is much bigger than the nursery, and being the oldest, he would probably want the bigger room down the road. I didn't get any before pictures of the room because this room honestly took us at least a month to complete from start to finish. We took our time on it, knowing that there was no hurry to get him in there. We started the re-do in March and finished in April.

For those of you who have met Cayden, you know he is pretty obsessed with anything sports balls related. I am pretty sure his first words after mama and dada were football, baseball, and basketball...and yes he knew the difference between all three at an early age [was not proud to tell his doctor at 15 months that he didn't know where his eye was, but could show you where the football was instead of a baseball. ;)] Anyways, the "theme" of his room was an easy choice...sports! We chose the paint colors before anything...we wanted to make sure we liked the paint before we picked the bedding. We chose a navy and a lighter blue, and decided to do vertical stripes all over the room, with a chair rail halfway up the wall. From there we began the painting. Tyler did research on how to paint stripes (once again I watched from a sitting position ;)). First we had to calculate each wall and do tons of math to figure out how wide each stripe needed to be (the light stripes are thinner than the dark stripes) plus we needed to account for the white stripes. The math was the HARDEST part, but thankfully Tyler had to take up to calculus 3 for his major so I THINK we did okay ;)--it came out even! Then we started marking up the wall with pencil and a level, then we started taping for one of the color stripes, then we came back and did the others. After all the paint was completed, we removed the tape, added chair-rail around the room, and then finally went and accessorized the room! This was all over a month and a half mind you, so it was not done at a fast pace! :D

My mom came in one weekend and helped me pick bedding and accessories and I couldn't be happier with what we chose! 

Cayden was a champ at moving to his new big boy room/bed! The first night he woke up once, went right back to sleep, and since then hasn't blinked an eye about not being in the crib. In fact, now when we say, "Where's Bennett's bed?" he runs into the nursery and clings to the crib. He is so over that thing and ready to hand it down to his brother ;) 

Some pictures of the finished product!

The "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" canvas. 

We picked sports themed sheets/pillows and plain navy bedding.

We sanded & painted our old dark cheery dresser, painted it white, and added fun blue & lime green knobs.

Might be my favorite part of the room..the rug!

The bedding with his "ball" pillows. Side note: he currently loves owls which is why he sleeps with one! Doesn't match his room theme but he loves his owl ;)

A closer up of the "Cayden" sign my mother in law made :)

His diaper caddy lovingly made by his Granna Rose--she's so talented!

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